Announcements From December 15th, 2024.
Bell Ringers needed for December 21st at Tractor Supply. Sign-up at back of church.
Be sure to fill out a “I Want to be a Servant” form and drop it in the basket at the back of church. This will help us organize and invigorate our ministries for 2025!
Anyone interested in Church Membership, pick up an info packet at the back of church or see Pastor Greg.
There will be a Prayer and Worship Ministry Meeting Tuesday January 7th at 5:30pm. Everyone welcome!
Spiritual Growth and Fellowship Ministry Meeting January 8th at 11:30am.
Annual Business Meeting January 13th at 6:00pm.
Pray for Kid’s Club! If you would like to be involved see Yvonne Harris or Pastor Greg.
Children’s Church is available Sunday mornings during the sermon time for kids aged 3 through 4th grade.
Women’s Bible Study is having a breakfast luncheon Wednesday the 18th at 9:30. No evening study.
Men’s Bible Study Wednesdays, 6:30pm. Character study of the man Joseph. See Greg for info.
Young Women’s Bible Study this Monday at 6:30pm. Ages 11-19, See Ilana Minor for info.
Souper Sunday January 19th!
Read the Bible! NEW Bible Reading Guides for 2025 at back of Church! Read through the New Testament in 2025!
“Daily Bread” devotionals are available at the back of church. Pick one up today!
Movie Nights will start in January.
Euchre every 2nd and 4th Saturdays.
Christmas Praise Night is coming December 22nd! Plan on coming and invite a friend! Please bring snacks to share for fellowship time following program.
In case of snow or bad weather check your email or the website,, for cancelations.
Experience the Power of God, Pray! Join Us For Prayer, Thursdays at 9AM at GCF.
Would you like to be part of the prayer chain or have a prayer request? Call Cindy Thome at 906-361-0641 or email at
Giving in a box at the back of church or online at
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Art and Conversation Every Thursday 10am-12pm.